Monday, December 20, 2010

Post Cataclysm

It has been a while! Almost a full year since I have started this blog :D

Anyways, Cataclysm has so far served me well. I chose to level up my nerfed-as-shit warlock first. I went demo, it was easy enough. I must say that I fully enjoyed each new area. I couldn't decide if I should quest in Hyjal or Vashj'ir, so I did both. I loved Hyjal for the lore and the backstory but my god Vashj'ir was amazing graphics wise. 

Deepholm was interesting as well, kind of reminded me of Icecrown. people. Is all I can say :P

And Twilight Highlands, I didn't get to finish the area, but from what I did I loved the story. 

I haven't gotten much video footage, my computer isn't liking the upped graphics of Cata so much. But I still insists on keeping my particle density maxed :P But I have got a new parody out!

It's been out for a little while now, but I think that it is one of my favourites that I have done. The strangest things inspire me when I make a parody. And sometimes my friends inspire me.

Mana, Mana, Mana was done for my b/f and fellow raider Amorianth <3

Get the Raid Started for for my l33t pally healing friend ;)

And Orc n' Troll is for my race confused friend :P jk jk

I haven't gotten bitten by the inspiration bug recently...but I'm sure that it won't be that long until I release another Cyphale original :P

But until then,


Monday, December 6, 2010

Cataclysm Tomorrow!

Well this is it! Tomorrow marks the start of another chapter if World of Warcraft history. We have been talking about it and wondering about it for a little over a year now, and now the day has finally come. I'm both excited and a little bit sad, but that's because I'm a sucker for nostalgia :P

Wrath of the Lich King was the first expansion that I become more seriously involved in. But since I have downloaded WoW alpha, I wish more and more that I actually played during vanilla WoW but I digress...

The shattering brought upon many changes to the world that I knew and loved. I miss the Barrens, because everyone always complained about it, I miss how it is no more the peaceful place where the kodo's play and Chuck Norris jokes can be heard.

I'll miss the Ironforge Airfield, I've went there many times and it was one of the more simple exploits but I loved the mystery of flying to Ironforge on my Alliance death knight and seeing it wondering what exactly was there; and more can I get there? They made this place into a low level questing area. The same day as The Shattering I went on my Alliance death knight to go see it. I exploited to get there, even though there was probably an actual way to get there. Blizzard fixed it up, but it doesn't look like its normal, glitchy self anymore.

Another place that I will miss will be the Isle of Quel'Thalas. To get there before 4.0.1 all you had to do was swim, and if you played a class with some sort of water walking then that made your job much faster. But now, there are invisible walls to conquer. And I have no idea why, Blizzard was fine with this since it has been there since The Burning Crusade has been out. Quel'Thalas had to be my favourite place that I have visited. It is also so mysterious, just left to its own business. It is mentioned in lore as the home of the High Elves before it was destroyed by the Lich King (I think that's how it goes). I wasn't expecting them to just block it off, maybe it will be until I install the actual expansion, but maybe not.

But until tomorrow, I will just enjoy the world...while it is still worgen and goblin free :P


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cataclysm Is Almost Here!

Today is the day of The Shattering. The world will forever be changed today... T.T There were some places of the world that I didn't want to change, but life goes on I suppose :P

I have been busy with getting some last minuet achieves, I was working on Glory of the Hero...but I think I may be a little late on that one, I won't know for sure until the servers come back up. Which according to the Breaking News on the new login screen, says that they will be up at 5:00 p.m. PST. And that means they will be up at 8:00 p.m. EST in my timezone (I'm a real nerd, I have my laptop clock set to normal time and WoW time) :P

As we speak I'm uploading my last pre Cataclysm video, its a long one so it's taking its time...400MBs and says it will take about 48 more mins. So I'll have to link it here later. It's just a montage of the last things I did before Cata; such as jumping off Thousand Needles, running along the Path of Destruction in The Barrens, visiting Ironforge Airport and the Wetlands Farm one last time and saying my goodbyes to Camp Taurajo. I had some footage of Southshore and Auberdine but I deleted the folder by accident >.< Funny thing was that I was thinking about that yesterday thinking that it was no big deal and I would log on today after maintenance and get some footage but no such luck :(

Another thing that I have been working on is killing the Emerald Dream portal guardians. Their level 60 outdoor raid bosses. Because my computer has a bit of a space issue ( I have 30 GBs free, and I need to save 25 GBs for Cata) I asked Amorianth to get some fraps videos of us soloing the dragons...but he accidentally deleted them >.< But I for some screen captures, and I took a video showing what happens when you hand in a Nightmare Engulfed Object. Its an epic quest item that drops from all 4 dragons and it has about a 80% drop chance. Any class can win the item and complete the quest, but you can only compete it once, Your reward is a level 60 epic ring, but I'll let the video explain:

Amorianth and I soloed the dragons using a 2 pally combination. He was prot and I went holy. I'm not too sure what will happen to these dragons once The Shattering happens. I hope that they are still there...Amo and I killed 3/4 dragons. The last one gave us the most problems, each dragon has a debuff which spreads throughout the raid making people fall asleep for about 12 seconds. And it seems the last dragon we fought sleeped us more than the others. If they're not removed in The Shattering, then I think that Amo and I will try them again...and hopefully I will have a video to prove it... For now screen captures will have to do :P


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cyphale the Explorer!

Yes that is my most recent title! I decided to try for it before Cataclysm...because with all the changed that Blizz is making to Azeroth, it is possible that this achievement couldn't be done because of all the places that they are changing. This achieve seems like a daunting task at first, but once you pick a place to start it is actually easy. Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are the hardest ones, because you can't fly over everything like in Outlands and Northrend. As a death knight doing this achievement I had some advantages and some disadvantages. I had all the flight paths in Azeroth, but since I never leveled there I didn't have that many places explored to start with. All in all it was fun, the whole thing took me about 3 days to do. But I think I could have done it in less time if I didn't take as many breaks as I did.

Well I'm going to see if there are any more achieves I can get before Cataclysm! :D


Monday, November 8, 2010

Vicious Tactics Reunited and Stupid Trolls -.-

Heh, I'm back, with a little good something to share. My old guild, Vicious Tactics who had disband when the ICC buff was at 25% (I don't remember the time that was xD) Made a comeback :D. Our GM started playing WoW again and asked Amo amd myself to join him in a raid. So we did, and the post below this will explain how that turned out :P

But my happiness is short lived. A little while back...before patch 4.0.1 I made a little video using WoWMapViewer. Anyone who has ever made a michinima should know exactly what I'm talking about. Well I found out that you could see the Emerald Dream by using MapViewer, and since I did not want to wall climb and hack with model edits to get there I figured that I would get a video of it through MapViewer. I did that, fixed it up and posted it yesterday. I don't know why I delayed posting it, I think I just forgot about it because I was writing a parody at the time. Anyways, I specifically state in the info and in the video itself that I didn't go there on a private or live server (I have no idea how to get to a private server :S). And people are telling me that I used a private server. I would make another video showing the specific steps I took in MapViewer to get there...but because of the Cataclysm patch, and because MapViewer is not being updated (as far as I know, I have checked everywhere for a current version) It crashes upon starting so I have very little ways of proving what I used. The only thing that I can think of is at some points in the the top of the screen it will say "Loading" for a brief second. I know that in WoW that doesn't happen, so I would assume that would apply to a private server too. Another thing is that I am not sure about a private server, but for the version of MApViewer that I had it wouldn't load any skyboxes, so where the sky should appear its al black. I can't change people's opinions, but I would like to not be told how I made a video that ...well you know...I made :P

See for yourself, if the comments still get ridiculous then I'll have to disable them. It's kind of a shame because I did work hard to get the footage, MapViewer crashed several times when I was filming. And the point of this video wasn't to get myself to the Emerald Dream, it was just to show what I found on MapViewer and to share it with everyone. There are hundreds of videos about the Emerald Dream, and how to get there whether it is a live or private server. I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes and claim that I'm a badass by going there on a live server, I value my account thank you very much.

Anyways, I just had to vent about that :P In other news I made another parody! I had this one planned out for a long time, college and work got in the way of its production...but it's finally here! :D

So there is my update, I'll be back with more when more happens :P


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cataclysm Prep

I went to Shatterspear Village, and you thought that I was done...

Well I'm not :D

I have made 4 videos of some places that could possibly changed when Cataclysm hits. I am working on more, and hopefully I will get to them soon. Anyways, enjoy!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Shatterspear Village

Well here it is...Sorry about the length of this video, I had to get all of my footage in. I found out that this place is going to be changed in Cataclysm, so I wanted to get all of the Pre Cata changes. This overall took an hour to get to. If Amo and I could have gotten there faster than I would have added in how I got there...but I guess that will have to remain a mystery :P

The screen captures that I took have a watermark on them because I don't want them being copied around :P I got some fairly nice pictures so, I'd like to keep the credit. If anyone got to reading this far and would like a specific screen capture for a desktop background or something just comment and let me know.

Anyways, that is all I have for tonight...if I find another place that I can get'll be sure to see another video. For now, enjoy!


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cyphale the Hallowed, With a Mount to Seal the Deal! Also Dancing Troll Village

I did it! Well...last year :P I got the Hallows End achievement last year so this year it meant that I could sit back and kick up my heals. I helped Amorianth with some of his achievement while just casually doing the Headless Horseman dungeon daily. Well DK luck was on my side :P

This was a nice surprise I must say! But....

This was pally luck :P Got the both the same day on my 2 toons. I don't have it on my main but hey...I'm even lucky I got one.

And in other news, as of today there are only 37 more days until the Cataclysm hits. So what does this all mean? Exploit while I have the chance! :D And that is exactly what I did.

I went to the ever popular Dancing Troll Village and visited some Shatterspear Trolls. Supposedly these are the trolls that in Cataclysm teach our current Darkspear Trolls how to become druids. I am not sure 100% on that, but it does seem like a good fit.

Now yes, going here was difficult. The wall jumping was a major pain in my pixelated privates, but thanks to my wonderful and patient Amorianth <3 we got there :D I didn't get a video of how we got there, if I left Fraps to record, my hard drive would have been full : / In total it took us about an hour to get there. But I must say...the efforts of us getting to that place were definitely worth every second, the detail put into that place is simply stunning. I took tones of videos and screenshots, and I will organize them into a nice montage of our little trip. But I am going back up to my apartment tomorrow and I have to get some sleep before I begin the 3 hour I shall leave you all to marvel at this picture...its my favourite that I took from our journey.


Friday, October 15, 2010


A little update, after much hassle and an hour long wait on hold...I called Blizzard and I got my account back.

*As of this post if you see Cyphale online I am back! :)*


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Here!

It's here! The start of Cataclysm is here! After waiting for a 4 gig patch to download today we get to install it! Currently I'm at school but I left my laptop on to install the patch, I can't wait until I get home! :D I'm hoping that maintenance is over by the time that I get home. I'm looking forward to the talent changes, I will miss my Destro rotation but hopefully I'll still get to raid as Destro. For whatever changes await me I know I won't be doing any homework tonight!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Just A Little Rare Montage...

Heh, 2 posts in 1 day...who woulda thought? :P Well this isn't really anything special...I just uploaded a ton of screenshots I took of rares over the years. I tried to make a video but it ran to 14 minuets and I couldn't upload it :| So here are the pictures instead in a nice fancy slide show :D :P


What a Long Strange Trip It's Been


This post was long past due...but you all can blame my college for that :P

I'll cut to the chase...I did finally get my drake! :D And a few more little surprises from Direbrew.

Here is my Violet Proto Drake...

And here are the other little nifty things I won...

Well now that I have done a little housekeeping :P I also have a few little parody idea's kicking around, but then again when don't I?:P If I make any decisions aboutgoing through with any of them then I will post them here! College will not get in my way! :P


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life, Why Doth Thou Screwedth Me Over -.-

BAH! GAH! Ughh...

I thought today was surely going to be the day when I got my drake...but alas I'll get it tomorrow for sure -.- Allow me to explain

The last achievement I need is to join the Brew of the Month club. Sounds easy enough, I just have to buy a membership and presto there is my achieve...Well its not exactly like that...

To buy this membership you would need 200 Brewfest tokens and like any other holiday to get those you need to do the quests and dailies. Well I did them, and I haven't spent a token yet. After running around, collecting kegs, killing Direbrew, and everything I come to the total of 199 Brewfest tokens...and there are no more dailies left until tomorrow T.T

So such is life I guess. I will be back with a blog post and a video for sure tomorrow!


Monday, September 20, 2010

A More Detailed Update

Alrighty, I apologize for the earlier about pressed for time :P but this one too will be a bit of a short update...

So yes Brewfest started today! Which was a nice surprise because I thought I would have had to wait until October to get my Violet Proto Drake but within the next 2 days I should have it! :D And for sure there will be a video to accompany that post :P

But this isn't the only good piece of news I have...

Ok, so I have been excited about the Brewfest holiday because of my Drake...but I got another little special something today... Thanks to the new Dungeon Finder, getting a group for the Brewfest boss is easier than ever. So as I was doing the quests, I figured I would try and queue up, so I waited the usual 10 minuet queue time and got a group. The boss was easy, he dropped a tanking trinket...and once a day you get Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest and what was inside mine just made my day...Great Brewfest Kodo! :D

I wasn't even aiming to get this mount but I'm happy I did! And its also on my never ending achievement collecting Death Knight! So I will collaborate the videos of when I recieved the Kodo and when I get the Drake and I will surely post them here!

Well that's all for now! Cheers all!


Quickie! D:

Dear blog I have neglected you once again! D:

This will be jsut a very small update...I will hopefully elabourate on it a bit later...but today marks the start of Brewfest! 1 more achievement and I get my Violet Proto Drake! :D!!!

I am also currently playing 2 other keep me busy, but class has started now so I'll have to finish this up next break!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Little Bit of an Update

In my last post I said I would update if the whole consipricy with my guild got sorted out...and it did :D My lovely Amo (also the GM) opened a ticket and within a day we have gotten our guild name back :D That is the good news...but there is some bad news too.

I had reported the guild name of the person who reported ours...the GM I talked to said that he would look into this but he couldn't tell me what he was going to do. So a few days later I /who'd that guild and they were still there with the same name. It kinda made me a little mad that they tiij such swift action against my guild but nothing was done about "PrOnStars"

Oh well, I know its impossible to catch everything in a game that has this big of a population. Anyways on a lighter note...a little while back before I moved a made a new parody...but I never got around to blogging about it because the day after I made it I moved...and my first priority was to set up my computer :P

Anyways here it is:

Hope you likeky :P


Friday, September 3, 2010

People...Stupid People -.-

Alas I am here...I have moved and I'm all set up, well sort of :P Anyways it has been a while since I have been here but no worries I do come bearing news :P

It all started yesterday, with Damnation's weekly ICC 10...everything was going good until a particular hunter that we Pugged got really mad that he didn't get to skin Precious (for those of you that don't know, Precious is like a mini boss in ICC) So this hunter ragequit the raid. Amo and myself went into Dal to find another Pug, where we saw this hunter spamming some rather bad things about our raid and our guild...This went as far as him reporting our guild name and now myself and everyone else is in a guild called "Amorianth's Guild." As much as I like the change :P Amo opened a ticket and we are hoping that we will get our name back. But this tale does not end there...I did a little investigating and found out that the guild name of this hunter was "PrOnStArS" Now good people...please tell me you see that Damnation is not nearly as bad as this. So, whether it was out of merely looking after the young players of the WoW community...or if it was just to be a bit vengeful...I opened a ticket and reported his guild name. I do think that name is inappropriate...with the hundreds of guilds out there I don't think there is a need for someone to use a name like that. To me it doesn't matter if its funny or not. So I will post up here with the outcome...which hopefully doesn't take too long :P

Another side note of news...I found another rare :P

I found this guy while helping Amo farm mats to level up his cooking :P

Anyways...I shall blog back with the verdict swiftly after I find it out :P


Monday, August 23, 2010

Now There's Something You Don't See Everyday

Well hello there my fabulous blog! :D I'm back with some giant news...

It was just another day...coming out of a VoA...and I spot this...

I have no idea how this guy did it...but I must say it was a sight to watch. Anywho...I have 5 days left before I move for college...So I don't think I will get another parody out in that time...But I do have a brand new one written :D But that's all I'm going to give away now :P


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mana Mana Mana...I Never Want To Hear That Word Again :|

Ah another late night post...nothing like 'em :P Its about 2 in the morning here...and I'm up watching a little I figure I can watch Tv and whip up a quick little post :P

So the first little order of business is that my server was down all day today because of the extended 24 hour maintenance so what else was there to do but make a parody! :P I beat my summers writers block and finished the recording and editing of my second Ke$ha parody. This was a quick little parody...I couldn't get the tempo just right...but I tried to get it as close as I a longgggg awaited goes;

And if you're curious about the picture...That's Amo doing his mage thing :P Speaking of Amo...The other parody that I have been kicking around, the California Gurls one...well I finished up the writing of that today and then I have to haul my butt to record it...but hey...1 out of 2 parodies ain't bad ;)


Sunday, August 15, 2010

My 4th 80! :D


My druid is 80! :D Well this isn't really new news...I've been 80 for about a week now :P But I got there nonetheless. Funny thing was that it was almost right after the last post I had made that I dinged :P So yes I have been running countless heroics trying to get my GS up as fast as possible. I am specced balance for PvE and feral for PvP. Sad part is that my balance set has a GS of 4k...But I'm doing the same DPS as my lock is doing right now :( :P Ah well...I'm not about to ditch my lock. And as far as feral for PvP go...I'm sick of rogues and feral druids slaughtering me in PvP as a lock (I never had much problems with them on my paladin...but they tear through clothies like nothing) So in a way I am getting my revenge. :P

Oh, as I mentioned in the post previous to this one...I was thinking on doing a parody of another Ke$ha song...and I finished up the lyrics...Now I just have to find time in my nerdy life to record it. Yesterday I was at a little shindig hosted by Amo...I was the only girl with 6 other guys, and I must was a hell of a time :D I'm mad i didn't get to play DnD...But nonetheless it was fun...a bittersweet time because god knows if or when the next time we will all be able to get together again. It's funny how some people just grow on you :P

Anyways there is a little chunk of my life bookmarked here...The power just came back on here (we had a little bit of a thunderstorm) so I am going to go do my daily heroics.

P.s. A little side project that I believed I mentioned before...I think :S... I am definitely going to make a warlock PvP video...showing both the good and the bad. I hate the videos where people edit out when they die...It's PvP and it just happens; its the point :P So expect that in the near furute.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mana Mana Mana


The title of this does have to do with a new parody idea that came out of the blue to me :P I still have the Katy Perry idea kicking around...but I've been so busy I haven't gotten time to write them...but fret not, the ideas are still inside my brain :P

The thing I have been busy with is leveling my druid...I'm 79 now...and halfway to 80. This will be my 4th 80...and I have only been playing 1 year O.o...Nerd much... :P

And that reminds me of Exxy's victory to 68...shes rollin' with the big dogs in Northrend now :P Amo and myself helped her along with her first NR dungeon...and it went quite well.

Well I appologize for the length but I must get back to leveling :P


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Victory to Damnation!

Why wondrous blog how I missed thee! :P Sorry again that there has been a little break in posts...A lot has been going down :P

Well I haven't been on WoW as much as I usually am...I think I'm starting to consider quitting...

Ha! Yeah right :P I actually hurt my wrist about a week ago...and I was beginning to think it was carpel tunnel. However it has gotten much better over the last few days...But I did have a splint of it did affect my game time because I didn't want to over work my wrist. Today thought I did the weekly ICC with my guild...and we have been around for a few weeks now...and tonight we got 10/12 :D

I didn't end up getting any videos...the old laptop was overheating as it is...and the humidity in my little room did not help I will have to relay this story using words.

Well its not too much of a story really...In my previous guild Vicious Tactics, I had healed up to Professor Putricide...skipped all of Blood Wing and went to Dreamwalker, defeated her then attempted Sindragosia. I'm pretty sure Exxy will remember that night a long time ago where she was whispering me and saw how many times we were wiping on Putricide. Mind you the ICC buff was only at 5% then, and we got pretty damn close...our best attempt we got him to 100k health. But today I finally got my revenge on that...*insert bad words here* >:D I have held a vendetta against him for some time...and I'm glad I got my revenge :P

Also, my lock's gear is coming along nicely...5.6k GS and counting :D I'm almost caught up to Amorianth...That's right hun...I'm coming for you >:) :P But the gear wasn't everything...

This was the first raid in a long time where I have gotten to be with almost all my friends (Exxy sadly does not have an 80 :( ) We had some fun times...and that's what makes raiding worth doing to me. Imo I would rather raid with my decently geared friends rather than go into a uber geared ICC Pug. Tonight was just a lot of fun...I'm glad I didn't miss the raid :P

As for those parodies that I'm always mentioning and never producing... I have a bad case of summer's writers block and laziness...Instead of writing things about that game...I'm playing it more. I used to use my spare time in class to write my parodies...but now that I have all the time that I want to play WoW, my writing has fell to the wayside. But no I haven't stopped; the idea's are still stuck in my head...and when I am bored and don't have my laptop then they'll most likely get written.

Well there's your first update of August


Monday, July 26, 2010

It's Been a While

Gah! I have not been here in a while! My apologies! There just hasn't been much going on in the World of Warcraft to blog about. Summer is slowly hazing by and I have lost a little interest in the druid that I was leveling up with Amo's shaman. So I resorted to grinding heroics to emblems to try to put together a makeshift tank set on my paladin. None of my toons tank so it will be a new experience. As for the parody that I was talking about...Amo said he would help if I finished up the lyrics...which still aren't done yet. I think I'm just having a summer writers block, because I can sing the chorus and a little bit of the first verse in my head so...its just a matter of writing it all out. I'm hoping for it to get done fairly soon.

Oh one little tiny thing that I did do a few days ago...I completed the paladin chain quest to get the Blood Knight Tabard. And it lemme tell you it sent me on a while good chase and a half.I wound up having to get the key to Scholomance...which I think is safe to say that it is now my favourite vanilla WoW instance. I love the art and the concept of it. Shame that you have to do such a long quest for the key...and that no one ever does it anymore. I had to get the key to grind up some Dark Runes which I found out have a low drop rate.But pathetic long grinding story short, I have my tabard so yeah :P

If anything else interesting happens you will be sure to see it here...and hope that if something does happen that I have Fraps open :P

That's it.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

U Bai Gold!

Ah, there is nothing better than a late night update no? Well I got a few lil things I wanna post up here before the day is through. First, Exxy I read your blog about 5 mins ago...and I can't comment >.< :P Second, remember that little parody idea I said I was kicking around in the last post? Well I asked Amo what his thoughts were and he was game for it ...and he said yes ^^ Now I would just have to write the lyrics for it...which won't be that hard...most of them I have stuck in my head at the moment :P

In guild news, we had our first raid last night...and in return we got some recruits. For our first raid and having to spam trade for an hour...we did well. We got up to Rotface but our DPS was a little weak so we didn't down him. However it was fun and it went well. We were planning to go again next week some sad news Amo's computer died today :( We were about to enter a 3v3 match...and he Dc'd :( So it will be lonely without him...however I won't have to suffer long...I have 2 days left before my time card runs Amo...your computer timed its breakdown right :P

My last lil bit of news is something that I find a little humerus, however some others probably won't, but I don't really care. :P Have you ever been in a city, and seen a bunch of level 1 characters dead...and realized that the way their bodies are positioned spells out the name of a gold selling website? This usually happens in the most populated city on your server, on my server its Orgrimmar. Amo and I were lucky to be in the right place and the right time. We saw about 40 level 1 trolls all aligned in Org, and then they would all /sleep. Now this isn't the first time I've seen this...but usually the spammers log out so their bodies just stay there. But today it was a little bit different, as I said before they didn't log out, they just /sleep'ed. So...Amo and I decided to have a little bit of fun with this (now this was before his computer died.) Now Amo was playing on one of his alts who was a he got on his mammoth mount and would not move over some of their letters that they were trying to make. Now me...oh good ol' me...Exxy and Amo wouldn't expect anything less of me...but I really don't have any respect for gold spammers at all. They hack the game, they make needless problems for GMs so it gives the people who have real problems longer wait times, and I can't speak for the next blood elf...but I'm sick and tired of the whispers I get daily from random level 1's telling me that my account is in jeopardy. So what did I do? Aside from mounting on my Grand Black War Mammoth and not moving off of some of their letters, but I started to whisper back some of these gold spammers. I figure that they take the time to select me and annoy me...I might as well return the favour right? :) And I did. I selected at random most of the level 1's and at first I just whispered gibberish to them...but then I got a little vile.  After Blizzard took their decision not to implement RealID on the forums...I gained much for respect for them...and I didn't want some no life hack their game. I'm not going to repeat what I said here...but I found the replies I got rather odd. I would say something and they would reply with a sequence of numbers like "7777777" or a sequence of numbers like "zzzzzz". I got from videos from when the spammers came...We drove them off once then they came back later but we drove them off again :D So expect some videos...after some extreme editing :P

So here is the update for the night...I was going to keep it short but...some of the best made plans sometimes don't work out :P


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Is the name of our new guild! :D Things with Anguish didn't exactly work out...The fact that our GM quit and didn't tell us had a little something to do with it. So Amo and I some of our other lovely friends decided to make another guild. It just formed yesterday so we have lots of recruiting to do. So if your on Anub'Arak feel free to pop in :D

In other news that I should have mentioned a while ago...I decided to scrap "Please Don't Stop the Heals" The lyrics were good...But I don't have a Rhianna voice :| And I seem to have writers block for the other song I was going to do. However I recently got an idea for another parody...which I think I could pull off. Not gonna go into details yet, I must discuss with some more with Amo...I would need to borrow his lovely voice for a little part in it ^^

So in my spare time...that I'm not writing or exploiting Amo and I have joined Exxy in Outlands. She is loving her DK while Amo is leveling up a shaman and I am leveling up a druid. My druid was only the second character I ever made but I got her up to 55, then left her to make a DK with Amo and his friends then I returned back to my druid and got her to 62. I then wanted to keep playing my DK and that is how we get to where we are today. If I hadn't of made my beloved Cyphale my druid would be my main...but I'm aiming to get my druid to 80...I just love druid many more spells to choose from...instead of 3 on my pally :P

So that's just a little update...Expect more explore and random videos in the mean time as I work on a new parody.


Friday, July 9, 2010

The Voice of the People Is Heard

We did it!

I have just been informed that Blizzard is NOT going ahead with the plans to make your real name necessary on the forums! The post I read said that basically Blizzard was seeing just how many people cared about this issue and how many were upset. So they listened, and this makes me have a little bit more faith in the company. There will still be changed to the forums, like being able to rate posts and whatnot but you will still be able to post as your character on both the Starcraft and Warcraft forums.

Mike Morhaime, co-founder and CEO of Blizzard Entertainment said that Blizzard is 100% driven by the people to make their games and their forums a nice place for players. As much as I am happy about this decision...I just can't fathom why they would think of doing this in the first place. But it is over, rejoice my fellow WoWers in knowing that your privacy is now safe once again! I think this is a good step in Blizzards direction, whether they actually cared about their players happiness or whether they just cared about how many subscriptions they were losing we will never know.

In some other less important news...while all this was going on I decided to make a few new videos. No they are not parodies (however if the RealID issue had persisted I did have some song ideas kicking around for that :P ) They're just videos I got while exploring.

This first one is what exactly the other side of Silvermoon City looks like. Its rather nifty...I didn't expect there to be NPCs there but there were.

The next video I did was a little more risky...You know that part of the Dead Scar that goes right through Silvermoon. There are closed off doorways leading to here but you can't get in...well ...I did :P I did not use any hack codes of any sort. I'm not revealing how I got here but all y'all need to know is that I was here :P And I got a lil video for you guys. As circumstances played out, I didn't get to go here on my DK so I was on my lock. The name will go undisclosed because if you couldn't tell form my last post...I like my privacy :P

Well I hope you all enjoy the videos and are basking in the happiness of your privacy being kept...I know I am :)


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nerf Privacy

Ok really done it this time.

I can deal with the 3 day GM responses when my toon gets stuck somewhere, and I guess I can keep filling my ignore list with names of the level one gold spammers...but if I have an issue and I can't access help in game...why should I have to use my real name if I want an answer? Doesn't that take away the point of an MMORPG? (Mulit Million Online ROLE PLAYING Game) Role playing - The act of taking on a new roll...a roll that is not yourself. I'm sensing a little bit of a contradiction here.

This game...back when I started, you knew people by their characters and nothing more...but ever since the release of RealID, I can't help but think that I'm on FaceBook and downing Lich King at the same time. I like the concept that they were after...being able to talk to your friends cross realm and cross game...but why go and tamper with the forums?

Granted, Blizz's reason for this is to stop people from making rude and inappropriate comments on the forums...initially its to stop what you and I call "trolling." But Blizz if you didn't already figure this out with all the gold spammers making level 1 characters and trying to sell gold, with them sending in and out of game mail to players trying to disguise themselves as official Blizzard advocates or with them hacking. to make a ton of level 1 characters...hack them to make them either speed to a city or just teleport there with world commands, have them jump higher then the game would allow and then kill themselves one by one to create the name of a gold selling website...trolls and hackers will not give up. Blizz thinks that by revealing everyone's real name that you would be a bit more cautious to what you say...because your not as hidden as you once were, and that may be true for some...but for some others...they just don't care. Others might go on to make an assumed name also...See Blizz? This isn't as foolproof as you thought.  The only way for them to...and I'm not suggesting this...but like anything with the internet...the only way to get it to stop is to shut it down completely. No forums = no trolls? Not exactly...they would go onto other websites to have their fun...but as long as its off Blizz's hands I don't think that they care.

There are roughly over 10 + million people playing WoW, and there will be some name overlap. People with common names (i.e. John Smith) will not be the only ones with the same name...saying that this brings up the case of identity theft. Blizz is only creating more problems for themselves. If a hacker, for whatever reason wants to pick your that they have access to your gold and epics...they also have access to your FaceBook, MySpace...and hell if they really wanted to...get your credit card number. Thanks a ton Blizz...because of your game... I know have to cancel my credit cards and whatever else a hacker would mess with. With social networking sites such as the two mentioned, it is up to the user what they want to display. With MySpace you make a user name that other users will know you by. Now whether it is your real name or not is YOUR own choice. FaceBook, is not quite the same...but any smart person would know that they are adding their friends and their friends only. If you add (a) stranger(s) that you have never met before then YOU are putting YOURSELF as risk. I can see how this makes FaceBook and MySpace liable to say that if a conflict were to ever arise that its "not their fault." Blizzard however, is subjecting our personal information WITHOUT our approval. So then does this mean if I get hacked and my personal information screwed up, and if I check my WoW account and find that it too has been hacked can I blame Blizzard and expect full compensation? No, because they will find some loop hole to make it "not their fault"

Which, while we are on the topic of privacy...As some of you know, I am a female gamer. And as sad and narrow minded it is...females playing video games is looked down upon still. If I have a technical problem with the game, and must report it on the forums I have to use my real name. Now I won;t reveal my name here but there are just some names that are not unisex; they are either a male of a female name and mine is one of them. If someone were to see my name then they would know I am a female. Just by seeing what other players (men for the most part...unless there is some same sex discrimination going on that I don't know about) and how they react in trade chat whenever the phrase "girls DO play WoW" is brought up, I am going to be hesitant to dare to post on the forums. And for any men whose reply to that is "women don't belong on the forums anyways." Just because we have an anatomical difference does not mean we're inferior...grow some balls and don't be an idiot.

And as an expansion from the above paragraph, as a girl I am not just scared about getting picked on and being told to "quit my bitchin' and get back in the kitchen." I am also scared of being cyber stalked. It does happen and it is very real, not just to children too. Its not just as simple as right clicking and selecting Ignore. Google search your name and if you have FaceBook or are on another social networking site that has your real name...Bing! The sound of finding a new victim. With today's day and age, no one is ever completely anonymous on the internet...however this is just like spoon feeding hackers and other sickos the information of billions of people.

As much as I am conserend for myself and the safety of other players...if this change does go into effect there is another group of people that most tend to look over who are at risk. The GMs. The official blue post I read said that along with players, GMs will have to use their real names when posting as well...I guess this is Blizz's pitiful attempt at trying to make this seem more fair. Now why would this be a problem? Well, I was browsing the Customer Service forums a little while ago. The GMs there are referred to as Pandas...because all CS GMs use a Panda as their avatar. I was reading a post where some people were inquiring about what being a "panda" requires. And a CS GM replied to this, he went over the high school expectations, the experience you should have...the people skills and so on ...Then he went on to say that when making up their GM alias, that their name must not have any hints to themselves in real life, and for a good reason. I can't imagine some of the crap GMs must get when they cannot fulfill someone request. Now, that was all to protect safety...but I guess Blizz is throwing that all out the window.  Its funny because I could have sworn reading somewhere in the ToS that my information would not be given out...silly me.

Now all of this because they were sick of dealing with trolls? I'd love to hear their logic. "Let's put the entire WoW at risk just to stop gold spamming."  Blizzard, this isn't as happy go lucky as you think it to be. These are people's lives and identity's you are ever so carelessly toying with. If this does end up happening, I'm sure there will be less action on the forums...meaning that there will be less general discussion from the good players who just want to chat about the upcoming changes to their class. And I'm sure that there will be people who would quit because of this change. I am not going to quit...but so help me...If I have to start using my name in trade chat...I'm done.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The End of Midsummer

Well yesterday marked the end of Midsummer, and of course my internet chose last night to crap out :P But I did get some videos of some fireworks and other Midsummer related things. I have posted the fireworks  video on YouTube...and I will upload the others soon. I mus say, if your leveling an alt...Midsummer is the time to do it. If you have any heirlooms the XP buff you get from ribbon dancing stacks. So I got my mage from 30-50 during Midsummer. Oh yes, in the video that I got of the fireworks, the fastest way to get the Thunderbluff was to port there, but then you'll see me trying to get a better camera angle...that is when I tried to slowfall off the flight tower. I was aiming to land back in Thunderbluff but I landed on the tip of a tree...which gave me a surprisingly good view.:D


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This Is It

Lol, first of all...I'm not blogging about the great MJ...I mean this is it as in ...I'm done high school. I know its not completely WoW related but hey...we all go a little off topic sometimes don't we? ;)

Back when I first was in grade 9, yesterday couldn't have come fast enough..but now that its over, I wish it wasn't. For my 8th grade graduation...I was a little sad...but not nearly as much as I was/still am. High school has just been so much better through the years, and for so many reasons. I got to see my friends that I left behind at my first school, then I took Exxy and Amorianth with me from my second school...and then I met so many other people when I went into high school. As much as some of them annoy me...I still miss them. :P I really never wanted this year to end, I never thought that the stupidest little thing like going out for lunch I would miss so much. I'll miss the school, and I'll miss a few teachers, I won't miss a few people though...there are some that I can't get away from fast enough :| There is very few things that I wouldn't give just to go back; just for a day...just to have one more day.

*Goes to clean tears off her glasses*

Oh wow, I think I'm good now. It's not all bad though, I am excited about getting my own place with Amorianth and about going to college. I know I will make new friends, but they will never, ever replace the old ones. In a way it is easier to stay in touch with people now then it was a long time ago...we has the interwebs naow ^^  But seriously...the term "bitter-sweet" fits this occasion perfectly. As sad that it is...there are probably some people that I will never see/speak to again...and that's just how it goes sometimes. But for the people who I really care about...I will try not to lose touch with them. Unless they go deleting their FaceBook behind my back I think we're good. :P  So that is it, I'm no longer a high school student, in September I will be a independent college student.

Again, if anyone has read this far...I am sorry that this isn't WoW related...But I will be updating this with more WoW stuff in the future, I want to take it a bit easy this summer and goof off as much as I can before I have to start thinking serious. I will post up more videos of WoW stuff...maybe write a few parodies...but I think my number one priority of this summer would to be to have as much fun as I can.


Monday, June 28, 2010


I am back my fellow WoWers! And I have my Midsummer title! :D This holiday wasn't as hard as I was thinking it to be. It is similar to the Lunar Festival...But you don't have to visit nearly as many places. This was a fun holiday, and for leveling alts the 10% buff you get from the Midsummer pole plus using heirlooms...I got from 30-40 in a few days on my mage. Andddd of course I got a pet out of it too ^^ The Spirit of Summer. This is a cool little pet because if you have the fishing skill, then you can fish for some Magic Eater. And what they do is they transform you into a random creature. A few of these can include a little green whelp, a cockroach, a little basilisk and a little red orb...which is cool because if you eat some and get the orb transformation with the pet out its like you have a twin :P So here it is, another title down

I only have one achievement left, its for Brewfest and then I get the meta, What A Long Strange Trip Its Been. And then I'd get the Violet Proto Drake ^^

Also, Exxy da Sexy is back in WoW-town. She finally got her time card...So its back to leveling for her :P But anyways, that is all for now.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Please Don't Stop Midsummer! :D

Ok, I am back...but not with the best of news...a little while ago I said that I would be working on a parody of Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna. Now the lyrics fit the song pretty well, and from what I've expierenced before...the faster the lines pop into your head for a parody...the better it will be becasue it just writes itself. That is what happened here, this one only took me about 2 days to write and edit. The bad part of this though was the recording, I finished the final version yesterday and it just I did the best I could with the audio editor I have (Audacity...I'm a fan of free :P ) but for some reason this one just sounds off. I think the idea sounded better in my head. So I'm at a crossraods...Gah! It's being attacked by the alliance! :P If anyone gets that little refrence. Should I try to rerecord it? Should I just upload it as is? Or should I just scrap the project? I'd love any input about this...I'm going to have Amorianth hopefully do a little test listen then I'll go from there :P

In the mean time, as I mentioned in my last post I waneted to make an arena video with Amorianth, the video could happen...just not yet. Simply beucase we need to practice our arana a bit mroe :P

Another idea that spawned by Amo and I at 12 a.m. was a machinima and a cover of the Tenacious D song Beezelboss. This would involve my lock in demon form...Amo and some of our other friends acting in it. Amo and I basically played out the whole thing as we listened to the song...and it would be a good idea. Its still a work in progress, if there are any advancements I shall post them here.

The last little bit of news that I have is that Midsummer starts today! :D I'm excited for this holiday, I have never done the achievements for it before so I'm excited to try. This is the last full holiday I need to complete before I get my Violet Proto-Drake. The very last achievement I need is to join the Brew of the Month club during the Brewfest holiday. I somehow forgot to do that one >.< I wish I got the achievements on another that I actually use...but as long as I have it...I may try to get them on my lock. So hopefully there will be moe videos uploaded from me...since Exxy the Sexy is still out of game time I promised her that I'd take videos of Midsummer for her :P

So that is the update for now :P


Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Got A Jubling! :D

Helloooo :D How do you like the new blog layout? Sexy ain't it? ^^ I'm happy blogger finally gave us a way to personalize our blogs a bit more, I mean I'm all for custom templates...but I couldn't display my banner with them D: ... But now I can! I know it's not that WoWish know...I tried to go along with the Death Knight colour scheme...Blues and whites and ...purple? :P Anyways yes point is I have a new template :P

I also have a new parody on the way...writing is done, just have to finish up the recording then its onto edits :P I found this one a bit like ShapeShift...Don't Stop the Music is a very repetitive song :| But nonetheless its almost done :D

Another lil' thing worth mentioning is that I'm getting yet another non-combat pet to add to my collection! ^^ It's a Jubling Why I didn't get this pet soon I do not know :| But I have it and now I'm counting down he hatches! :D You have to go into BRD, get a Dark Iron Mug then offer it to Morja at the Darkmoon Farie and she will give you a Jubling egg that will hatch in 7 days. If someone *cough* Exxy *cough!* had time I would have taken her to get one too :P ...Ah but the Darkmoon farie is at the beginning of each month so...I'll be watching for you in July Exxy>.> :P This months farie was in Elywnn Forest...So I had a little bit of fun playing with the Alliance :P My rule is I don't attack you if you don't attack me. But alas, I did get attacked while I was there...but not form any 80's who would come to defend Goldshire...I got attacked by 3 level 2's :| :P So that was a fun adventure in itself :P

And in other other news...AMORIANTH!!! I demand a new post from thee! P I have to periodically go to your blog and sweep away the dust collecting on it! :P

Which reminds me of a lil something elsee...I'm thinkin'...of course I will need Amo's input...but I was thinking of making a PvP video of Amo and I doing some 2's...I think I'm onto another project  :P But anyways that is jsut another update :P


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well it has been a while! I do apologize for my slacking off in blogging but I haven't had much to blog about. There have been no holidays, my new guild well...that's a whole new thing :P And excuse my poor spelling, I'm on a school computer without my beloved spell check D: Damn you Internet Explorer 6! Yes we haven't upgraded yet... I miss my Mozilla ... T.T

Anyways as I was saying about ...well...screw it :P Nothing has happened so far that's is interesting enough to post here HOWEVER there are some interesting things that will be happening in the near future. One of them is the Midsummer festival that is coming up soon in WoW...I am excited for this one because I have never done the achievements for it before... and from what I've heard we have to go into the enemy factions cities to extinguish their flames. Now being the PvPer I am I always love getting into battles in places where I'm not supposed to be :P

Next thing that is coming up I think I mentioned already in the previous post is that I am working on 2 new parodies. One of which is almost fully written, after it is done I am planning to record it then proceed to the second one.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tiny Emerald Whelp

Wow, I must say I haven't added a new post in a while :| I have been busy though :P My prom was last night so yeah. Busy before getting a dress and whatnot and busy after :P Anyways I do have some interresting things to post about. The first one has a little bit of a story to it

In any of the 3 Lich Kings heroics released not too long ago, the trash mobs all have a chance to drop this Battered Hilt And on one faithful Pit of Saron run...It dropped. Now I had shortly before won a 3 person mammoth, so I couldn't be too disappointed that I didn't win it...But the person who did just so happened to be my Amorianth <3

So this leads us a little further...Amo sold the hilt on the AH because he is already geared...very well geared :P So he had no use for the hilt. That same day a few hours later someone bought it. Now, there is a pet that I have tried farming for... Tiny Emerald Whelpling. This pet has a1 in 1000 drop rate chance...and lets just say I gave up once I killed 300 of them :P But with the money Amo got from selling the hilt he bought me the whelp! ^^ This is the only rare pet that I didn't put on my DK....because I wanted to show it off so I put it on my lock (I play her 10 times more than my death knight) So I made a little video of my whelp, I tried to upload it on YouTube but I forgot to cite the song I used in the credits so they had blocked the audio -.- But I'll upload it here.

In other rather sad news, the guild that I have been apart of Vicious Tactics has called it quits. This was the first guild that I have ever raided with I had many fun times with them and I met a lot of cool people. But the GM inadvertently passed on lead to one of the officers. He couldn't run the whole guild himself so one thing leads to another and now they're done. It makes me sad because some of the people there I got to know and liked...we were an amazing guild at the start however once we expanded things just kinda fell to the wayside. But it happens...So myself, Amo and some of IRL friends have our own guild now. Anguish. We are a casual guild seeing as we all have school and stuff :P And we are still recruiting members! If you're on Anub'Arak pst me :P

More news...I have a new parody out! Its to the tune of Everytime We Touch by Cascada

I am working on 2 new parody's atm, one has basically written itself :P So look out for those soon. Anyways that is all for now


Friday, May 14, 2010

80 Warlock ShapeShifting Mammoth! :D

Well this is an exciting post :D The first little bit of news is ...yes as the title of this says, I finally got my warlock to 80! :D And to put the cherry on top of I was in the process of gearing up, I decided to try a VoA to get some gear. Well no cloth stuff dropped...but this did Reins of the Black War Mammoth! This has a 1-2% drop chance and also you have to win a roll again 10 or 25 other people. And I did it! :D

The other bit of news that I have is that I have finally gotten to releasing my ShapeShift song :P There is no machinima for it, although I MAY get around to making one...because I have always wanted to make one for this song. It would make the song a bit more understandable :P But nonetheless here it is:


Saturday, May 8, 2010


Well this is a sad post for me. It all started today...being Friday there were no raids scheduled so a few guildies and I decided to try for The Undying. Well it didn't go over very well, someone died on the The Dance. Usually they say that it is the person who has never been there who dies, but I was the exception to the rule...the guy we had there had been there and done it before, and I having gotten ICC geared after Naxxaramas was "old school" had no idea what to do on the dance. I must say that it was easier than I had heard it to be...but until just now it never occurred to me to watch a  video for it >.< /sigh

So, that was the first bad event. The second I would say is the more disappointing one... after we gave up on the Naxx run, we went and tried for Observed. Which what you have to do seems pretty simple, just kill the boss and you get the title Starcaller. This is a title I knew I had to have ever since I seen it. Any one of my real life friends can attest to the fact that I love stars in real life, and the fact that I think the title would go well with my paladin's name.

Starcaller Cyphice

(sorry about the colours :P ) 

But, all did not go over so well...we tried this achievement with a half of my guild Vicious Tactics and half of one of the top raiding guilds on my server, Arctica. Now there are 2 things you have to worry about with this boss.

1) He is only avaliable for 1 hour during the raid duration, after that he is not killable until next reset.
2) He is only avaliable for kill on Ulduar hardmode.

No pressure right?

Well I have done ICC, cleared up to Sindragosa, but still this proved to be a challenge. This fight is very healer intense. I would almost go as far as to say that Algalon hits as fast and as hard as a rogue to the tanks. The fight mechanics are there, it's not the most complicated thing but it does prove a challenge. After trying for about 45 mins. Amorianth and I became removed from the group so they could bring in "better" people to replace us. This made me sad...a chance to get the title I want more than any other one in the game and I couldn't stay to get it...or I could have been the problem with us not getting it. It does suck, but we were promised that we would get carried by 9 Arctica. members to get it so...I am really hoping they follow through with it.

But there is a note of good news in light of all this Warlock is 79...halfway to 80 :D So it's not all bad :P


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Guy In Real Life

If you have ever been in Trade Chat...chances you have heard this. It's usually said after someone says that they are a girl. The title of this is from the popular some boys on WoW like to say when a female claims that she plays WoW. I have a few questions about this...

1) Why is it so impossible that a girl plays video games? Not all of us are out at the mall (unless its an EB games :P) getting out nails done etc...Just the same that not all boys are out on the football or whatever field you desire

2) If we (girls) do play WoW...why aren't we automatically thought to not be as good as a male player? Whether you are male or takes a knowledge of your class to be able to excel at it. So a female is just as likely to be good or bad at a certain class as a male. If you were to be in a PUG and no one knew your gender, and the run goes well after if you admitted to being female...chances are no one would believe you unless you were to go into vent.

3) Why are girls stereotypically always healers? Granted I do have a holy paladin, and I do heal raids. However I know many females who DPS and do a good job of it. Hell, I've met a few good female tanks in my Wow days too.  .

The bottom line is, that if you admit to being a girl who plays WoW (personally I don't go around flaunting the fact...but rather only mention it when I need to. however I am proud to be a girl gamer)  you are bound to witness if not be apart of some kind of discrimination. It happens to everyone with race and gender etc... The most you can do is just keep playing. There are people who are perfectly fine with girls playing WoW, and they treat you good. In my opinion the positives of playing outweigh the negatives.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

For the Children!

Yes! I knew it wouldn't be that long until I updated this :P I just got the achievement a few minuets ago. I must say, there aren't many achievements you need to complete for the Meta Achievement. However the few that you have to do are challenging. As I mentioned in the post below...School of Hard Knocks was the achievement that I was most worried about how to get, but when I actually went out and tried for this achievement I learned some things.

1) This is probably the only time you will ever be allowed into the opposite faction's flag room in Warsong Gulch :P
2) The Horde and the Alliance can actually work together...because in Lore and in general game play...the factions are made to hate each other. And rightfully so, it adds more to the game rather than one giant group of people on the same side trying to defeat one enemy etc...

Personally though, concerning this one achievement...I would say you need a combination of people who are trying to accomplish the same thing you are, people who are willing to cooperate and help others with the achievements and a little bit of luck :P

This holiday definitely handed me some challenges but they were fun nonetheless. If you're not level 80 then sadly you cannot complete the achievements. However, you can do the orphan quests. There are three sets of orphans you can get: Orc Orphan (Orgrimmar) or Human Orphan (Stromwind), Blood Elf Orphan or Dranei Orphan in Shattrath and a Wolvar Orphan or an Oracle Orphan in Dalaran. These quests reward various amounts of money for taking your Orphan "sight-seeing."

Before I go, I would just like to take a minuet to thank all of the people in the BGs who helped with this achievement. And a special thank you to the Alliance who had mercy and didn't kill my under geared Death Knight <3 :P

Well that is my advice on the achievements! Happy orphan helping! :P


For the Children!

...Is the achievement that I have yet to attain :P However I am working on it at the moment. I'm writing this post while I am on a flight path so I don't know exactly when I'll finish it :P I can't get very in depth with this holiday because during the time that I started to get into the WoW holiday achievements last year, I moved and did not have my internet for about 2 months. So I never got to complete this holiday...however there is an achievement that I am not looking forward to in the slightest ... School Of Hard Knocks is what I am dreading :P As I progress in this achievement (if I do) then I will be sure to add another post


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lil' Game Hunter! :D

I finally did it! I got my 75 pet achievement! I have been working on it since I started my death knight...which was about 2 years ago now. A lot of people just laughed and thought that I couldn't do it and that I was wasting my time buttt....I did it! >:) So I made a lil' video when I got the achieve. :P If you wanna see all mah lil' critters here is my full collection.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Tik Tok Go My DoT's Is Donee :D

Thaaaaat's right, I have recovered from my cold and finished up this parody!

It didn't take me long, the lyrics just jumped out at me from the first time I heard the original Tik Tok. I'd like to thank Ewykuyi for helping me out with the lyrics :D If this is liked enough by everyone...I may consider making a machinima to match :P


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Machinima Today, Parody Tomorrow

Well this is a bit of a peculiar title...however it does have a meaning. I was on Youtube browsing away and saw that Nyhm (one of my machinima idols) has said that he will most likely not continue to make machinima videos, however he wants to continue to make parodies. This sparked my attention for a few reasons.

1) I have always been a big fan of Nyhm's work (both machinima and song styling) so I find it a bit sad that he isn't continuing the video aspect of it because his work was well done. However this leads me into my next point.

2) Although I took this as sad news...I can relate completely. This is how I feel on making machinima as well. With Achievement, before I got into production of the video I had envisioned how it would go...but when it came time to actually make the video...I found out just how much patients and time goes into a well done machinima. Granted there are many amazing machinima producers that enjoy making the videos, just as there are many parody artists who enjoy writing and recording their songs. And I think that, I'm one of the types who enjoys the parody work vs. the machinima side. I would love to have my cake and eat it too (write, record and make my own machinima) but I just don't have the time. I could manage the writing and recording but just not the video aspect. For any machinimator...who is able to do all three of those, I commend you.

So this leads me to my other next point :P I have to do a bit more thinking about it but ...I have been kicking around the idea that I will just release my songs without videos. However there are some risks involved with that. Mainly I don't want other people claiming my material as their own and if I had a video to go with the song that might make it a little harder for someone to say that it's not mine. The other thing that makes me hesitant to release them is because with some of my songs...I just feel that they are incomplete without a video to accompany them. But there are all just things that any artist has to consider. If and when I come to a will be posted here ASAIGATI (As Soon As I Get Around To It :P)


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ewykuyi's Banner

Yep, I have been hired for banner-making once again :P So here it is Ewy, I hope you likeies ^^


Mah Leet WoW Lover Has Made A Blog! :D

Thaaaat's right, until now it has just been me and mah partner in WoW exploitation crime Exxy. But now we have a new recruit...My lovely boyfriend Ewykuyi (who has starred in some of my videos) has made himself a blog. Here is the link:

Ewykuyi's Blog

He is going by the name Amorianth (his main mage) but I call him Ewykuyi <3 :P

Anyways the Tick Tock parody is coming along voice is now allowing me to sing it :P and before long the song should be fully recorded and done. Then there is the debate on whether I want to make a machinima for it...I have some ideas kicking around but nothing final yet :P


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tik Tok Go My DoT's

Alas, I am back :D I have been sick for while now...and I still am recovering :P But during my sick time I spawned a new parody to the popular Ke$ha song Tik Tok. It will be called "Tick Tock Go My DoT's" and yes the mention of DoT's ...its about warlocks :P The writing process is complete and I'm moving into the recording. which poses some difficulty because I still am sick and my voice isn't at 100%. But nonetheless I shall try it out, I am really excited about this one, and if all goes well there could possibly a machinima to follow it :P

That is all for now


Monday, April 12, 2010

My Banner

Well this is my new banner, like the picture I added a few posts ago I can't use it because of the custom template :( But here is it anyways.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Off To the Airport on April 16th :P

Ah yes, I took a little trip back out to the Dun Morogh Airport and to the Wetland Farm. (If I say "Westfall Farm" instead, that is because I get the 2 confused all the time...bear with me :P)

With the talk about Cataclysm now, these places will have 1 of 3 things happen to them in my opinion:

1) They will be turned into playable zones
2) They will have some sort of barricade that will make them inaccessible without the use of "hacks" (which is something I won't do to go see these places. Running through the mountains is as far as I go :P)
3) They will just remove these places from the game entirely

Number 3 is my least favourite, if anything has to be done with these places I would opt for number 1. At least I would be able to see how Blizzard changed it from the underdeveloped state it started out in. Also, with flying mounts in Azeroth said to be another perk in Cataclysm, getting to these places will mean next to nothing. Going to the highest point in Azeroth will be something everyone will be doing. With the flying mounts, there will only be a handful of places left to exploit to, and frankly these are places that I'm not risking my account to go :P Places such as Old Ironforge and whatnot. But basically Cataclysm takes the fun out of going to the Airport, Gilneas, Mount Hyjal... I know this game isn't so much about the exploring part as it is the leveling and the end game content, the lore...etc. But nonetheless discovering places and getting those little odd extra achievements is a big part of why I play.

The other part of the title of this relates to the date April 16th. This is the day I am waiting for. It is the day that Blizzard will release whether they nerfed or buffed my Paladin :| I am a little scared, I have been used to what gear is good for me, my healing rotation, what to gem, what not to gem...and I know that they are getting rid of MP5...and making us and Shammys use Spirit :|... So I don't know how that is going to turn out. That will be all :P


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My New Blog Picture

Well this is a bitter=sweet post. I was fooling around with my photoshop and I made a really good title picture for my blog, the sad part is because of my custom template I can't use it :(

I tried going back to a default blogger template, but then I would have to fix all the dimensions for the videos and pictures in my posts, and that is a little too much work for me :P so I will be putting it up in this post

Click on it if you want to see its full eipcness :P


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To Exxy

Gah! Exxy it won't let me comment onyour blog! D: So here is what I was gonna say to you :P

Hehehe Exxy, you're getting into pets ! :D

Btw the thing from Brewfest is called a Wolpganger :P Atleast I think that's how it spelt

And if you want to see all the Wow pets...go here ----> :P

Oh and I don't think my warlock has a guild atm, so I'll give you another signature tonight if you still need one. But once she hits 80 I want to bring her to my raiding guild if that's cool :P

Monday, April 5, 2010

Nobles Garden

Happy Easter weekend! I have returned :P For my first bit of news, the post below was for April Fools heheh^^ I got Exxy :P But I didn't get hacked, if I did then I wouldn't be able to talk about these next pieces of news.

My Warlock, who I have mentioned a few times here before, is now finally 71 :D I used my March Break to get though all of Outlands, and I thought that I could get to 80 during this break. But that didn't happen, I think the journey from Outlands to Northrend is faster than Northrend to 80 :P Oh well I shall keep leveling :P

The other bit of news that I have is possibly the one that I'm most happy about, and it is also the title of this blog. as of yesterday it was the start of Nobles Garden! Now I am particularly happy about this holiday because this was the first one that I started on when I decided to go for all of the holiday achievements. I would have had this achievement all done last year but...I was missing only 1 thing...a female dwarf. So I waited a year, and when it started yesterday I hit the streets of Dalaran. And after a few hours of searching, I found one. This very nice person made a dwarf Death Knight and I guess got a port to Dalaran. And the best part was that he/she wasn't charging to put bunny ears of them. Their name was Ving. I wish I had an alliance character on the same server so I could personally whisper them and thank them (but I have 10 horde toons on my main server)

So here it is, the title that I waited a year to get:

Last bit of news that I have is that I have started leveling up a rogue. The name will go unknown :P but it is a Blood Elf usual ^^ I love the class for PvP however with it being mainly geared towards single target DPS is a little hard for questing but I think I can manage :P


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nooo!!!! D:

Shit!!! I'll get to the point, I got hacked! >.<

I don't know how and I don't know why, I just went to log onto check my auctions this morning and it wouldn't let me log in. So after a few times of trying I went to try to log into the WoW website and still nothing.

I am indescribably mad at the moment! Before I left for achool I fired off a quick email to Blizzard. Exxy if you see this I won't be on WoW tonight

That is all.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Illidan Stormrage and Rak'shiri

Wow, I haven't updated this in a little bit :P But alas I am back with 2 new videos to share.

The first is Rak'shiri, this is a little video of Exxy and I killing the rare Rak'shiri in Winterspring. Usually I would just get a screen capture of the rare (which I did :P) but I decided to get a video, so without further adieu here is the first video:

The second video is a little something my guild and I did on Friday, we did an achievement run through The Black Temple. We went and killed Illidan, and I must was messy but we were just having fun :P This is the final fight in BT, I am on my paladin healing.
