Saturday, November 29, 2014


It has been a little over 2 weeks since WoD has been released! I leveled up my dk to 100 in the first 4 days (medium pop server ftw!) and let me tell you, the leveling experience and the Draenor experience so far have been amazing! I hope everyone is finding it as fun as I am! 

Now I found this picture a while ago, and I thought that it would make a great post topic! (I do NOT own this picture!) 

2) Hmm...I'm not to familiar with Alliance racial leaders other than Tyrande (spelling?) so I'll go with her
3) Thrall
4) BE's or draenei
5) BC
6) Sylvanas
7) Leroy
8) SMC or Dalaran
9) Warrior
10) Death Knight
11) Hunter
12) Ethreals!
13) Blood Elf/Elves in general
14) Arathi Basin
15) Warlock tier 5 
16) Hyjal
17) Tempest Keep
18) Scryers
19) Thralls Balls!
20) Talador or wod Shadowmoon Valley
21) Emerald
22) C'Thun
23) Enjoyment wise the Lich King/Lore wise Illidan 
24) Elune
25) BC trailier
26) Wod Nagrand campaign ending
27) Thori'dal the Stars Fury
28) Male human
29) Ashes of Al'ar!
30) Burning Legion 

And that about does it for day! Happy WoD-ing!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Warlords of Draenor in 5 Hours!

This is just a quick post! I won't be staying up till launch (I ordered the physical CE) so to all that are have fun and try not to mount over the quest giver! :P I shall be questing with you all tomorrow morning after I pick up my CE!
