Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Guy In Real Life

If you have ever been in Trade Chat...chances you have heard this. It's usually said after someone says that they are a girl. The title of this is from the popular some boys on WoW like to say when a female claims that she plays WoW. I have a few questions about this...

1) Why is it so impossible that a girl plays video games? Not all of us are out at the mall (unless its an EB games :P) getting out nails done etc...Just the same that not all boys are out on the football or whatever field you desire

2) If we (girls) do play WoW...why aren't we automatically thought to not be as good as a male player? Whether you are male or takes a knowledge of your class to be able to excel at it. So a female is just as likely to be good or bad at a certain class as a male. If you were to be in a PUG and no one knew your gender, and the run goes well after if you admitted to being female...chances are no one would believe you unless you were to go into vent.

3) Why are girls stereotypically always healers? Granted I do have a holy paladin, and I do heal raids. However I know many females who DPS and do a good job of it. Hell, I've met a few good female tanks in my Wow days too.  .

The bottom line is, that if you admit to being a girl who plays WoW (personally I don't go around flaunting the fact...but rather only mention it when I need to. however I am proud to be a girl gamer)  you are bound to witness if not be apart of some kind of discrimination. It happens to everyone with race and gender etc... The most you can do is just keep playing. There are people who are perfectly fine with girls playing WoW, and they treat you good. In my opinion the positives of playing outweigh the negatives.


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