Thursday, April 22, 2010

Machinima Today, Parody Tomorrow

Well this is a bit of a peculiar title...however it does have a meaning. I was on Youtube browsing away and saw that Nyhm (one of my machinima idols) has said that he will most likely not continue to make machinima videos, however he wants to continue to make parodies. This sparked my attention for a few reasons.

1) I have always been a big fan of Nyhm's work (both machinima and song styling) so I find it a bit sad that he isn't continuing the video aspect of it because his work was well done. However this leads me into my next point.

2) Although I took this as sad news...I can relate completely. This is how I feel on making machinima as well. With Achievement, before I got into production of the video I had envisioned how it would go...but when it came time to actually make the video...I found out just how much patients and time goes into a well done machinima. Granted there are many amazing machinima producers that enjoy making the videos, just as there are many parody artists who enjoy writing and recording their songs. And I think that, I'm one of the types who enjoys the parody work vs. the machinima side. I would love to have my cake and eat it too (write, record and make my own machinima) but I just don't have the time. I could manage the writing and recording but just not the video aspect. For any machinimator...who is able to do all three of those, I commend you.

So this leads me to my other next point :P I have to do a bit more thinking about it but ...I have been kicking around the idea that I will just release my songs without videos. However there are some risks involved with that. Mainly I don't want other people claiming my material as their own and if I had a video to go with the song that might make it a little harder for someone to say that it's not mine. The other thing that makes me hesitant to release them is because with some of my songs...I just feel that they are incomplete without a video to accompany them. But there are all just things that any artist has to consider. If and when I come to a will be posted here ASAIGATI (As Soon As I Get Around To It :P)


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