Monday, November 8, 2010

Vicious Tactics Reunited and Stupid Trolls -.-

Heh, I'm back, with a little good something to share. My old guild, Vicious Tactics who had disband when the ICC buff was at 25% (I don't remember the time that was xD) Made a comeback :D. Our GM started playing WoW again and asked Amo amd myself to join him in a raid. So we did, and the post below this will explain how that turned out :P

But my happiness is short lived. A little while back...before patch 4.0.1 I made a little video using WoWMapViewer. Anyone who has ever made a michinima should know exactly what I'm talking about. Well I found out that you could see the Emerald Dream by using MapViewer, and since I did not want to wall climb and hack with model edits to get there I figured that I would get a video of it through MapViewer. I did that, fixed it up and posted it yesterday. I don't know why I delayed posting it, I think I just forgot about it because I was writing a parody at the time. Anyways, I specifically state in the info and in the video itself that I didn't go there on a private or live server (I have no idea how to get to a private server :S). And people are telling me that I used a private server. I would make another video showing the specific steps I took in MapViewer to get there...but because of the Cataclysm patch, and because MapViewer is not being updated (as far as I know, I have checked everywhere for a current version) It crashes upon starting so I have very little ways of proving what I used. The only thing that I can think of is at some points in the the top of the screen it will say "Loading" for a brief second. I know that in WoW that doesn't happen, so I would assume that would apply to a private server too. Another thing is that I am not sure about a private server, but for the version of MApViewer that I had it wouldn't load any skyboxes, so where the sky should appear its al black. I can't change people's opinions, but I would like to not be told how I made a video that ...well you know...I made :P

See for yourself, if the comments still get ridiculous then I'll have to disable them. It's kind of a shame because I did work hard to get the footage, MapViewer crashed several times when I was filming. And the point of this video wasn't to get myself to the Emerald Dream, it was just to show what I found on MapViewer and to share it with everyone. There are hundreds of videos about the Emerald Dream, and how to get there whether it is a live or private server. I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes and claim that I'm a badass by going there on a live server, I value my account thank you very much.

Anyways, I just had to vent about that :P In other news I made another parody! I had this one planned out for a long time, college and work got in the way of its production...but it's finally here! :D

So there is my update, I'll be back with more when more happens :P



  1. Dude I went to check out your video but you removed the guy's comments. What did he say exactly?:P and Nice videos.

  2. Oh thank you :P

    And he just kept commenting saying that basically the video was fake, and then he was making other people think that. So I just disabled the comments :P

  3. You would be surprised at the amount of people on the internet who can't read :/
