Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Little Change Of Plans

Happy Boxing Day to my Canadian friends! (I have to apologize, I don't know if they have Boxing Day in other places)

As the title of this post states, I think I'm going to change up my plans a little bit.

I said that the next video I made will be Shapeshift, well there is a little problem with that.

1) I will have to have some of my druid friends online for me to film...but Exxy the Sexy isn't going to be home for a little bit. Which leads into point 2) I said that my plan is to have at least 2 of my own machinima's done and on Youtube before Christmas break was over. Having said that, I wouldn't have time to get Shapeshift done in time.

So I guess I will be letting the people of the internet down :(

Ha! Psyche! :P I have a backup plan...Plan B as I like to call it, and it is called Disconnecting.
It is a parody to the song Toxic by Britney Spears. I mentioned before that I had an idea for this song but nothing written. Well today I started writing, it's not done yet but it is going swimmingly. I have a few tricks up my sleeve for this song and video which is all I'm going to say about it, I don't want to give away too much. However I think that some people who think that Britney Spears is "girly" music will be a taken for a loop ;)


1 comment:

  1. lol, and sorry i can't be there but can i say i'm having fun at my dad's and i don't even know when i'm coming back really. Basically it's up to me and i can stay until after new years if i wanna:P but no fears i'll be back on Exxy....the sexy-_-'; soon:P.
