Monday, June 4, 2012


Well if you haven't noticed my blog here has gotten a most needed face lift!

So moving right along... After 30ish Magisters Terrace runs, I finally got my Swift White Hawkstrider! The drop rate is supposedly 4%, which isn't terrible, I read about it taking people way I consider myself lucky :p

However as happy as I am about the hawkstrider, there is still farming to be done! I am after now Reins of the Blue Proto Drake from Utgarde Pinnacle, Reins of the Green Proto Drake from the Oracles egg, and Rivendare's Death Charger from Stratholme.

As a death knight, the Skadi run for the blue drake is rather easy, I haven't found that I drop below 90% as blood. And as for the Stratholme run, well I don't have to worry about what spec I go into there as :p

As far as I know, the Blue Drake drop rate is 1.6%, Green is 5% from the egg, and the Death Charger is 0.8%. So its really up to the RNG (random number generator) when I get these mounts.

In addition to this farming, I'm also working on getting my Tol Barad and Argent Tournament mounts aswell. I'm not quite sure why I didn't do the Argent Tournament stuff when it came out...but it's never too late :D Doing faction dailies isn't really the funnest thing, but it can be rewarding. I already have my Flameward Hippogryph from the Mount Hyjal dailies, I'm 1 daily away from getting the non combat pet Pebble from Thereazane its just all a matter of pushing yourself to do them everyday >.<

Well that's where things are at with me! Remember the Sunwell!


1 comment:

  1. Ouu i really love this mount! Conratulations! :) So adorable! ;)

    Flo riska
