Tomorrow is the day! The day we bid farewell to Garrosh and the Kor'kron and hello to Vol'jin!
I've been a bit anxious about this day for quite sometime now, I think I'm just done with the whole theme of Pandaria and SoO.
I managed to finish up the legendary cloak questline for my DK, and ties up a few other loose ends. To pass the time these last 2.5 weeks I've been blitz leveling some pets, since I know that when WoD drops I'll be preoccupied with leveling. As for what I'm going to main in WoD, it will most likely be my DK, but I plan to level as much as I can stand to get through of Old Outlands :p
- Speaking of Outlands, that is a thing that I will miss; the green Dark Portal. Gone will be the days of flying through that verdant portal beyond to the Stair of Destiny,
- We shall also bid farewell to justice and valor points and heirloom vendors.
- We will be parting for a little over a month with the BMAH and the Brawlers Guild too.
- Guild levels will be now more as well.
- Also the Horde, Alliance and Neutral auction houses will be merged...I'm not sure how I feel about that one.
- And who could forget Garry! Good ol Garry will be leaving us to do some time travelling nonsense.
I'd like to keep my hopes up, so we will see just how quickly the realms will be up tomorrow. From what the launcher tells me, the maintenance should be about 10 hours.
I think I've rambled on enough here...I'll be attaching some screencaps of some of my memorable Pandaria times.
See you in 6.0.2!

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