It has been a little over 2 weeks since WoD has been released! I leveled up my dk to 100 in the first 4 days (medium pop server ftw!) and let me tell you, the leveling experience and the Draenor experience so far have been amazing! I hope everyone is finding it as fun as I am!
Now I found this picture a while ago, and I thought that it would make a great post topic! (I do NOT own this picture!)
2) Hmm...I'm not to familiar with Alliance racial leaders other than Tyrande (spelling?) so I'll go with her
3) Thrall
4) BE's or draenei
5) BC
6) Sylvanas
7) Leroy
8) SMC or Dalaran
9) Warrior
10) Death Knight
11) Hunter
12) Ethreals!
13) Blood Elf/Elves in general
14) Arathi Basin
15) Warlock tier 5
16) Hyjal
17) Tempest Keep
18) Scryers
19) Thralls Balls!
20) Talador or wod Shadowmoon Valley
21) Emerald
22) C'Thun
23) Enjoyment wise the Lich King/Lore wise Illidan
This is just a quick post! I won't be staying up till launch (I ordered the physical CE) so to all that are have fun and try not to mount over the quest giver! :P I shall be questing with you all tomorrow morning after I pick up my CE!
The dawn of 6.0.2 has been an interesting one! The pre patch questline in Blasted Lands was fun and I'm fond of the cute little Iron Starlette pet!
However something that I'm still shaking and bursting with smiles about...the Fiery Warhorse dropped for me! I usually go to Karazan once a week, been going ever since Raiding with Leashes II came out. Since I was there, it was customary to kill Midnight on my way to the pet bosses. Well today, I out of nowhere decided to a) turn my in game music on (which I've never had on since I started playing this game and b) I /yell'd at Midnight...and by god it worked!
I'll try to give a more detailed update about 6.0.2 when I'm not so pressed for time! Until next time!
EDIT: As I was going my runs today I also got Ashes of Alar! I'm overjoyed! I'll update once the shock has calmed down!
Tomorrow is the day! The day we bid farewell to Garrosh and the Kor'kron and hello to Vol'jin!
I've been a bit anxious about this day for quite sometime now, I think I'm just done with the whole theme of Pandaria and SoO.
I managed to finish up the legendary cloak questline for my DK, and ties up a few other loose ends. To pass the time these last 2.5 weeks I've been blitz leveling some pets, since I know that when WoD drops I'll be preoccupied with leveling. As for what I'm going to main in WoD, it will most likely be my DK, but I plan to level as much as I can stand to get through of Old Outlands :p
Speaking of Outlands, that is a thing that I will miss; the green Dark Portal. Gone will be the days of flying through that verdant portal beyond to the Stair of Destiny,
We shall also bid farewell to justice and valor points and heirloom vendors.
We will be parting for a little over a month with the BMAH and the Brawlers Guild too.
Guild levels will be now more as well.
Also the Horde, Alliance and Neutral auction houses will be merged...I'm not sure how I feel about that one.
And who could forget Garry! Good ol Garry will be leaving us to do some time travelling nonsense.
I'd like to keep my hopes up, so we will see just how quickly the realms will be up tomorrow. From what the launcher tells me, the maintenance should be about 10 hours.
I think I've rambled on enough here...I'll be attaching some screencaps of some of my memorable Pandaria times.
In fear that I might forget/be too busy to do this at the actual time, I found this little questionnaire whilst just browsing online.
WoW will be celebrating its 10th anniversary this coming November! If you haven't already seen them, the events planned for the anniversary look amazing! So without further adieu;
1. Why did you start playing Warcraft?
I started playing September 14th 2008. My boyfriend and I lived an hour away from each other, so he suggested that we play as a way to spend time together rather than just texting.
2. What was the first ever character you rolled?
(male) Orc Warrior - Ihatekittys
(No I actually don't hate kittys, or cats for that matter :P When I started the game my boyfriend had a level 70 Tauren Warrior named Ihatebabies (Caboose reference) so I spur-of-the-moment decided that it would be funny to see a manly orc running around hating kittens.)
I'm also so stoked that they added the Crazy Cat Man title. :P
3. Which factors determined your faction choice in game?
When I agreed to try the game, all of my friends were playing Horde. So I thought it would be sort of silly if they all were Horde and I went to the opposing faction. The second part of it is that the Alliance seems to pretty and proper for me personally...Blood and thunder! For the Horde!
4. What has been your most memorable moment in Warcraft and why?
Omg you can't ask me this! There are way too many! One that jumps out at me was my first time in VOA and the Grand Black War Mammoth dropped. I had never seen or heard of that mount until then, but a quick wowhead lookup and I wanted it (just like everyone else did :P) So I watched everyone else /roll. The highest roll at this point was my IRL friend with a 97. He started bragging about it in chat saying how the master looter "might as well give the mount to him since no one was going to beat his roll." So I held my breath and typed in my /roll. Lo and behold I one upped him with a 98! I was ecstatic! Every time since then it has been my go-to mount on my warlock :P
(Heads up for not-so-amazing video skillz :P)
5. What is your favourite aspect of the game and has this always been the case?
I have a few favourites in this game. I'd have to say achievements/pet collecting is what I love doing. One of the first things I bought on the AH when I was a noob back in the day were non-combat pets. From that it grew into my pet collection of today. Even though its just a bunch of code and pixels, it gives you a sense of pride being able to show off that achievement/title/pet/mount etc. that no one has seen or isn't easy to obtain.
6. Do you have an area in game that you always return to?
I have a few, I used to love going to the Ironforge Airfield, Shatterspear Village and Quel'thalas, I made videos about my trips to those places.
It was like they were these little places that some people knew about but hardly anyone went (on my server anyway.) I was so sad when they turned the Airfield and Shatterspear into a legit questing zones. I still fly to them today, but the mystique of them is gone :( And as for Quel'thalas, when Cata hit they extended the invisible wall so you couldn't even get to the little place with the tower :(
7. How long have you /played and has that been continuous?
I currently don't have game time to check... but I believe last time I checked my main's /played was about 150 days. I did a total of days played a while ago across every character I have and I think that it was around 500 days. For the first 2 years I played regularly, I took a break for a year and since then I play in spurts. I'm planning to come back soon to farm up some stuff before WoD releases.
8. Admit it: do you read quest text or not?
The first time I do the quest I do. If I'm repeating the quest on a different character I usually just skim.
9. Are there any regrets from your time in game?
Just one, I wish that I had been a bit more chatty in my guild/with friends when I had the chance. I was sort of a mouse in game. I probably came off as a jerk who didn't want to talk but that wasn't the case at all. I had some wonderful times with everyone and I wish that I contributed more, I really do.
10. What effect has Warcraft had on your life outside gaming?
A lot of the time when I see a nice scenery I'll think to myself "hey that looks like blah blah in WoW." WoW has also helped me understand any sort of game that uses 'talent trees.' That used to be a nightmare for me.
And then there's social media. I love to write and edit videos and I guess WoW gave me a purpose to do so. On December 12th 2009 I started this blog. I look back and think that it was so long ago. Looking at all my past posts and all my past YouTube videos, even though the topics are always centered around WoW they help my chronicle bits of my life. I can think that "hey when I went to Shatterspear Village, in the same month I did x and y IRL" sort of thing.
This game also gave me a sense of belonging outside of actually playing the game. WoW is a huge part of the mmorpg industry so there are tons of people who know it, played it and either love it or hate it. It's always a nice feeling to be able to say that you've partaken in a big piece of culture. No matter what the real world brings (or doesn't bring) to you, WoW makes it so easy to make friends and forge relationships without worrying about gender, race, disabilities etc. I know that every online community has its toxic people, but for every toxic person there are so many other good people online just waiting to make a friend.
Well there you have it, this was such a good set of questions! I'm happy to have contributed my snippet of information :)
This is just a quick post. After hearing the news about Mr. William's death I was deeply saddened, like so many others. I had heard sometime ago that he was an avid gamer, one of those games being World of Warcraft. While I haven't been playing for a little while, I started up my starter account and headed to the Shrine of the Fallen Warrior to pay my respects.
I would like to say thank you to Robin Williams for all of the laughs and moments of joy that he has brought to so many people, he will most certainly not be forgotten.
I would also like to urge you, if you are feeling depressed... please, please, please talk to someone about it. There is always hope in the darkest of times. Life is not like WoW, there is no resurrect button. Your life is valuable and suicide should never be the answer.
Holy crap it's here! After 5 years of this blog I finally hit my 100th post...You think I might have gotten there sooner :P
Ah well on with it,
So first order of business is something that I'm thrilled about...I finally got my Raven Lord mount! :D Been after that for 2 years and it finally dropped! Now if Alar would be so kind as to grace me with it's astounding presence then life would be complete :p
Aside from mounts, my pet collection has grown yet again.. I'm up to 520 pets. I'm still hoping to increase that whenever the prices are right for pets :P
Other than that news nothing new has really been up...been doing my usual weekly raid runs, not much in the mood to be leveling anything and DPS raid finder queue for my lock is terrible xD
I'm sorry that my 100th post was a bit underwhelming...WoW has just been kinda going slow for me atm, not much to do till new expansion drops (which I'm looking forward to)
Thank you all for being with me through 100 posts! <3 br="">
It has been a long time! I'll just get right into it. My school semesters have gotten a bit lighter since switching majors so I would like to think that I could post more here...but we'll see how that goes.
The whole Ravencrest Alliance thing didn't last long, I got my shaman to 79...and as much as I loved the fem. draenei animations and model...I'm a horde player at heart
I took a little break for a bit but then started my account back up this past September and have been happily playing since.
I've done all of raid finder SoO and got my dk full 528 geared, so I'm working on getting my priest and warlock there.
Also very recently some of the old members from my guild have come back to wow, and oh man, the guild feels even more like home now :)
While on the topic of my death knight, I have gotten several compliments on my transmog. So I'll list the xmog pieces I used. I wasn't planning on making this set originally, but while going through AQ I had the pants drop (lololol) and wanted to try and make a set around them
(And Im contrasting what it looks like on a male orc... just isn't the same on them :P)
I think that this transmog looks more suited for a paladin, I was drawn to it because (aside from loving my slutmogs) the pants for it are somewhat unique. As I see lots of mogs like this with more bikini bottom pants and I like how this is just a bit different.
On a sidenote from wow, I finally got into the Hearthstone beta yesterday :D (happy early b-day present for me :P) I had heard good things about it, and was recommended to try it. Although I'm not the best at it, I have been having a lot of fun with it :D