Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Is the name of our new guild! :D Things with Anguish didn't exactly work out...The fact that our GM quit and didn't tell us had a little something to do with it. So Amo and I some of our other lovely friends decided to make another guild. It just formed yesterday so we have lots of recruiting to do. So if your on Anub'Arak feel free to pop in :D

In other news that I should have mentioned a while ago...I decided to scrap "Please Don't Stop the Heals" The lyrics were good...But I don't have a Rhianna voice :| And I seem to have writers block for the other song I was going to do. However I recently got an idea for another parody...which I think I could pull off. Not gonna go into details yet, I must discuss with some more with Amo...I would need to borrow his lovely voice for a little part in it ^^

So in my spare time...that I'm not writing or exploiting Amo and I have joined Exxy in Outlands. She is loving her DK while Amo is leveling up a shaman and I am leveling up a druid. My druid was only the second character I ever made but I got her up to 55, then left her to make a DK with Amo and his friends then I returned back to my druid and got her to 62. I then wanted to keep playing my DK and that is how we get to where we are today. If I hadn't of made my beloved Cyphale my druid would be my main...but I'm aiming to get my druid to 80...I just love druid many more spells to choose from...instead of 3 on my pally :P

So that's just a little update...Expect more explore and random videos in the mean time as I work on a new parody.


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