Helloooo :D How do you like the new blog layout? Sexy ain't it? ^^ I'm happy blogger finally gave us a way to personalize our blogs a bit more, I mean I'm all for custom templates...but I couldn't display my banner with them D: ... But now I can! I know it's not that WoWish but...you know...I tried to go along with the Death Knight colour scheme...Blues and whites and ...purple? :P Anyways yes point is I have a new template :P
I also have a new parody on the way...writing is done, just have to finish up the recording then its onto edits :P I found this one a bit like ShapeShift...Don't Stop the Music is a very repetitive song :| But nonetheless its almost done :D
Another lil' thing worth mentioning is that I'm getting yet another non-combat pet to add to my collection! ^^ It's a Jubling Why I didn't get this pet soon I do not know :| But I have it and now I'm counting down he hatches! :D You have to go into BRD, get a Dark Iron Mug then offer it to Morja at the Darkmoon Farie and she will give you a Jubling egg that will hatch in 7 days. If someone *cough* Exxy *cough!* had time I would have taken her to get one too :P ...Ah but the Darkmoon farie is at the beginning of each month so...I'll be watching for you in July Exxy>.> :P This months farie was in Elywnn Forest...So I had a little bit of fun playing with the Alliance :P My rule is I don't attack you if you don't attack me. But alas, I did get attacked while I was there...but not form any 80's who would come to defend Goldshire...I got attacked by 3 level 2's :| :P So that was a fun adventure in itself :P
And in other other news...AMORIANTH!!! I demand a new post from thee! P I have to periodically go to your blog and sweep away the dust collecting on it! :P
Which reminds me of a lil something elsee...I'm thinkin'...of course I will need Amo's input...but I was thinking of making a PvP video of Amo and I doing some 2's...I think I'm onto another project :P But anyways that is jsut another update :P
Dude it's alright I don't want a frog:P I'm good. But the withdrawal is killing me >.< I feel like an addict getting off the addiction. I NEED WoW!!!!! 0.0