Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nooo!!!! D:

Shit!!! I'll get to the point, I got hacked! >.<

I don't know how and I don't know why, I just went to log onto check my auctions this morning and it wouldn't let me log in. So after a few times of trying I went to try to log into the WoW website and still nothing.

I am indescribably mad at the moment! Before I left for achool I fired off a quick email to Blizzard. Exxy if you see this I won't be on WoW tonight

That is all.



  1. If this makes you feel a bit better you're still on my friends list so they didn't delete any characters.

  2. -_-that wasn't funny at all...April fools is not joking about being hacked.....:P For shame Phil, for shame.
