Well I decided that after the depressing post I posted before this, that I should lighten up my blog a bit!
And what would be a better way to lighten things up then with vanity pets!
I admit, when I fisrt started playing WoW, I didn't know what they were but soon after the achievement system came out...well let's just say that I went a little non-combat pet crazy.
It was all back in the day, my first character was a male Orc Warrior named Ihatekittys. (NO I don't hate kitties, that name is an inside joke:P) I was very lucky to have gotten a little money "boost" from my lovely Ewykuyi <3
He gave me 25G, and when I first started playing...it seemed like a lot of money. When I had gotten to the lovely level 47 (which is still where my shelfed warrior sits right now) I had discovered the nuetral auction house in Tanaris.
And that's when it all started. I bought a frog, I can't remember exactly what kind it was. I went to the mailbox to get it, found it in my linen cloth bag and there it was...my first non-combat pet.
From there it became a vicious cycle, and I bought out almost all the pets there.
I had gotten the achievement for 15 non-combat pets and then I wondered to myself...Could there be another achievement? And there was.
But I was broke on Ihatekittys, so it is almost 2 years later and I decided that I would try on my Death Knight.
So here is my collection as of now on Cypahle. It's not as developed as I would like it, but whenever I get the chance I add to it. Which is usually by doing the holiday events. The two pets that I would absolutly love to get would be the Pheonix Hatchling and the Hyacinth Macaw. The Macaw is the rarest of the two, and on my server is sells for around 20,000G. So my hopes aren't up for it any time soon.
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