Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Yeah the banner still hasn't changed >.< I'm looking into remembering to fix that!

Anyways, it looks like it about time to update!

Remember (or not) how I was grinding rep with the Skyguard? Well I got my Nether Ray, I also got my Talbuks, and my 100 pets achieve. It really has been a busy month of dailies, grinding rep, pvp, dungeons and leveling lol. I'm not exactly sure where I will focus most of my attention next. The Loremaster achievement I have glanced at once or twice, it would be so badass to have since literally no one on my server has it...but then again its like "ok, have to do around 3000 quests...how do I approach this?" Its almost like the achievement for completing 3000 quests, but they're different. 3000 quests alone awards you with the title the Seeker, and it also doesn't give you a tabard like the Loremaster does. Here is a quick little breakdown from WoWWiki:

" The Horde requires a grand total of 3,260 quests to obtain this achievement, separated by continent:

  • 550 in Eastern Kingdoms (quests that the Quest Log lists under names of zones (including instances) of Eastern Kingdoms)

  • 685 in Kalimdor (quests listed under names of zones (including instances) of Kalimdor)

  • 595 in Outland
    • 90 in Hellfire Peninsula
    • 68 in Terokkar Forest
    • 86 in Blade's Edge Mountains
    • 54 in Zangarmarsh
    • 87 in Nagrand
    • 90 in Shadowmoon Valley
    • 120 in Netherstorm

  • 875 in Northrend
    • 150 in Borean Tundra
    • 100 in Zul'Drak
    • 105 in Howling Fjord
    • 100 in Storm Peaks
    • 130 in Dragonblight
    • 75 in Grizzly Hills
    • 75 in Sholazar Basin
    • 140 in Icecrown

  • 555 in Cataclysm
    • 130 in Vashj'ir
    • 115 in Mount Hyjal
    • 110 in Deepholm
    • 105 in Uldum
    • 95 in Twilight Highlands"
(information taken from http://www.wowwiki.com/The_Loremaster)

I mean, I have gone after more bizarre stuff in the past, hell, I have 105 non combat pets :p But I'm kinda at a disadvantage and advantage for this achieve. 

On one hand, I'm a death knight, and I have done next to no old world quests, cause I didn't need to level there. On the other hand, I'm a death knight :p and that could work in my favor because for all of old world I would get to start at the beginner quest hubs so its easy to know where I need to begin. 

Anyways that has been floating around my brain...I haven't forgotten about my movies and whatnot, I have some stuff fraps'd but I'm not sure if it will ever get made into a youtube video :p Also parodies aren't out of the question, now that I have a bit better equipment for recording. I just find that you can't force a good parody out. The best ones I've done just spawned from me listening to a song and the chorus or a parody line just coming out. So as I can't really give an eta on that, I will say that its highly possible that inspiration may come. I am also open to suggestion, within reason...I don't think it would go over well to make a parody of a screamo song cause well...I can't exactly scream like that :p

Tis all for now, glory to the sin'dorei and all that.
